I. Mock and Toof, Toof and Mock . Your Duo title sounds like an ambiguity team. How would you describe your work together? Actually I wished we were a little more ambiguous & perhaps remained in the shadows more. There is a certain satisfaction about not knowing about something you love. Unfortunately, we are not good enough yet to run to the hills & shun everyone. Some things need selling… in terms of our work, our role is not to give it a description, a narrative or a category – it is just to create. Our sole aim is to make music that connects with people…as wanky as that sounds.
II. Is there a huge difference in the way you work on an own production or a remix?Not really. We usually put our own drums in remixes, use a couple of elements from the original & more or less create a new track. It’s pretty tedious. Actually I think we will work hard to adopt a more traditional approach to remixes in the future by utilising more of the original & extending & editing the best bits. Remixes these days tend to be endlessly dull, don’t they? Releases often have far too many & they usually sound alien to the original track & generally pointless.
III. For me you’re always linked with interesting art works. Especially the “Tuning Echoes” LP invites you just with the optical look to listen to it. And if you do, you arrive delightful and full of aesthetic sensibility sounds. That’s nice of you to say. Our artwork was done by Billie Jean (www.billiejean.co.uk) and he has worked with us since the very beginning of Tiny Sticks in 2005. Design, of course, is very important. In a saturated market it’s nice to have a go at sticking out from the crowd but more importantly, & like you mention, it can say something about the music and/or conjure up a vibe about the act or label which people can connect to.
IV. Can you remember that you bought an EP/LP just because of it’s good Cover?
Too many to mention, usually purchases in charity shops. It’s a lottery of course but when you win (i.e. when the record actually sounds as good as it looks) then it’s a beautiful thing.
V. Currently there are strong problems with gentrification in Germany, with the result that many good cultural programs can not keep. Among other things good clubs close. What would be your idea for a project to counter claims to work?Send in squads of yobs, drug dealers & whores (with immunity from prosecution) to run these places down back to their previous state of beautiful shitty-ness ….?
VI. Mass or quality? Or do the mass want quality?The masses don’t have a choice. Individually we all want quality.
Can I have a feel please?VII. What would you ask to find something out about the Identity of a person?
Interview: Flavia Lamprecht
Mock And Toof - Farewell To Wendo